Paicines Ranch

Paicines, California

The Farm

Nestled in the heart of San Benito County, among the sweeping oak-studded hillsides, the historic Paicines Ranch is habitat for wildlife. The ranch mission is to work with the dynamic natural world to regenerate the health of the ecosystem from the soil up while growing delicious, nourishing food for the surrounding community. The ranch consists of approximately 7000 acres of rangeland, 550 acres of row crop ground, and 25 acres of vineyard, all certified organic. In all three areas, farmers and ranchers are making changes to move towards more perennial systems, more complexity and diversity. The farm also produces 100% grassfed beef, lamb, pork, and turkey.

The Team

Paicines Ranch is owned by Sallie Calhoun, an impact investor, activist, and philanthropic funder in regenerative agriculture. Her work focuses on improving the health of agricultural soils and sequestering carbon in soil to mitigate climate change, while creating healthier people. She is also the founder of the No Regrets Initiative, which seeks to use all available forms of capital to create change in the agricultural system. Participants will also interact directly with Kelly Mulville (Vineyard Manager), Elaine Patarini (Learning Center) and Martha Skelley (Livestock Manager).